
If you are ready to take a holistic approach to supporting your overall health and wellbeing, you’ve come to the right place!

Discover a new way to boost your energy levels and enhance your well-being with a holistic approach to nutrition. Welcome to Nurture Your Body, where we believe in nourishing your body, mind and soul from the inside out for a healthier, happier you.

wild morel mushroom

My journey into holistic healing began in 2012 when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.  I was sitting in the specialist’s office asking about lifestyle and diet changes I could make to help manage my symptoms.  His response was that Crohn’s disease is not impacted by diet, he said “if someone was diagnosed with arthritis no-one would ask what their diet was like.”  The problem… yes, I absolutely would ask about their diet. I couldn’t believe he was telling me that my diet didn’t affect the inflammation in my digestive tract.  

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